Are you in need of accurate and reliable language translation services for your valuable documents? Look no further than Document Recovery, the leading document recovery company specializing in the procurement of global visas and various legal documents. With our expertise and commitment to excellence, we offer professional language translation services that cater to your specific needs.

Unparalleled Expertise in Document Recovery

At Document Recovery, we understand the significance of preserving and translating historical documents. Our team of highly skilled translators possesses extensive knowledge and experience in handling a wide range of documents, including those dating back to 1895. Whether you require translation services for Zimbabwean documents or worldwide archives, we are equipped to assist you.


  1. Birth certificate
  2. Death certificates
  3. Marriage certificates
  4. Certificate of single status
  5. Naturalization certificate
  6. Confirmation of driving license
  7. Driving license Exchange
  8. Police Clearances
  9. International driving license
  10. Driving license
  11. Adoption decree
  12. Passports

Accurate and Reliable Translations

We take pride in delivering accurate and reliable translations for all your important documents. Our professional translators are fluent in multiple languages and possess deep cultural understanding, ensuring that the essence and meaning of your documents are accurately conveyed. With meticulous attention to detail and adherence to industry standards, we guarantee the highest quality translations.

Preserving Historical Significance

Historical documents hold immense value, representing significant moments in time. At Document Recovery, we recognize the importance of preserving the historical significance of your documents. Our translators work diligently to maintain the integrity and authenticity of each translation, providing a faithful representation of the original content while ensuring clarity and readability for modern readers.

Confidentiality and Security

We understand the sensitive nature of the documents you entrust to us. Confidentiality and security are our top priorities. We employ strict protocols and industry-standard encryption to safeguard your information. Our translators adhere to a strict code of ethics, ensuring your documents remain confidential throughout the translation process.

Tailored Solutions for Your Needs

At Document Recovery, we believe in providing personalized solutions to meet your specific requirements. Whether you need translations for legal contracts, immigration documents, historical manuscripts, or any other type of document, we offer tailored services to cater to your needs. Our team works closely with you, understanding your objectives and delivering translations that exceed your expectations.

Timely Delivery

We understand the importance of timely delivery in today’s fast-paced world. Our efficient workflow and dedicated team enable us to provide prompt translations without compromising on quality. We strive to meet your deadlines and ensure that your translated documents are delivered to you in a timely manner.

Experience the Document Recovery Difference

When it comes to language translation of all your valuable documents, Document Recovery is your trusted partner. With our unmatched expertise, commitment to quality, and personalized service, we are dedicated to assisting you in preserving the legacy and significance of your documents. Contact us today to discuss your translation needs and experience the Document Recovery difference.